About the grants
JELIA06 is pleased to offer a number of grants to PhD students. Grants are sponsored
by the EPSRC and Agentcities UK (an EPSRC network).
Who is eligible?
To qualify for a grant you must:
- Be a registered, full-time PhD student
- Provide a letter or email of support from your supervisor
Non UK Students
We guarantee that every registered non-UK student, who is co-author of an accepted paper,
will be awarded a grant of £100. We strongly encourage non authors to apply as well.
UK Students
We guarantee that every registered UK student, who is co-author of an accepted paper,
will be awarded a grant of upto £500. We strongly encourage non authors to apply as well.
How and when to apply
Applications are now being accepted - the deadline is 1st August 2006.
Successful applicants will be notified within one week of the deadline. To apply complete the
registration form below and return it, along with a letter or email of support from your supervisor,
to Catherine Atherton at;
Catherine Atherton
Department of Computer Science
Liverpool L69 3BX
Fax: + 44 (0) 151 794 3715
Email: catherine@csc.liv.ac.uk
Click here for application form (word format)
Click here for application form (.pdf format)
If you have a query please contact Catherine Atherton on catherine@csc.liv.ac.uk
The decisions made by the JELIA Committee are final. The Committee reserves the right to not award a grant to any applicant.